Mutant Night is a pretty rare game, even with it being poorly known, weird and somewhat unpopular it’s still hard to find a real one. Thankfully bootlegs exist and some are almost perfect clones. Unfortunately there’s a problem with...
From time to time, you’ll come across ‘problem’ parts – like the Jaleco ROMs in my last post. Another long standing pain in the neck are 28 pin 1mbit mask devices used primarily by Konami and Namco. Now with...
I recently ended up buying a Jaleco Lord Of King (Astyanax) PCB, which also came with a P-47 ROM board – or maybe it was the other way around. When I looked at it and my existing P-47, and...
I found this out a while ago, but haven’t managed to post about it yet other than mentioning it on IRC and maybe a mailing list. When I discovered Sky Smasher (which is a great shooter you should try...
I bought an Atomic Robo-Kid PCB a long time ago, in fact my e-mail doesn’t even go back far enough to find out when it was. Just one problem, it was always unreliable and over the years as I’ve...
I’ve had a Japanese Battle Garegga for a while, but one thing which had always bothered me is that it was fussy about which cabs it would work on and which it wouldn’t. I found that quickly toggling the...
I picked a Gundhara PCB recently on the forum, it was advertised as a bootleg but it strongly resembled the strange Daioh I got recently and obviously came from the same factory. I think the most likely explanation for...
UPDATE 15/05 – DO NOT BUY FROM PEOPLE PRODUCING MODIFIED CARTS, the readme file specifically bans making money from this patch. Since this work is given away entirely for free, a modified cart is worth the same as an...
A never-ending plague… I picked up a NebulasRay earlier this week, hard to find these days and I’d heard someone mention reliability issues. It arrived, it worked, and upon close inspection I can see one reason these would fail. ...
I’ve just found M99 suffer the same problem as M92 and M107. At this point, ANY Irem board newer than M84 series (that’s up to R-Type II) with brown coloured ELNA caps should be considered suspect. Change the caps,...